Administration & Spin Alley…
Spin Alley is buzzing. Now that it's clear that torture really occurred in Iraq, the Bush administration is trying to minimize the abuse by suggesting that it only happened to a handful of people.

But, what difference does it make if it was 1 or 100? It's not a "numbers game." It's still wrong! In reality, the abuse is widespread and includes dungeons that have been described as torture chambers. The real shame is the Bush administration's continued use of spin to avoid accountability.
Spin Alley is buzzing. Now that it's clear that torture really occurred in Iraq, the Bush administration is trying to minimize the abuse by suggesting that it only happened to a handful of people.

But, what difference does it make if it was 1 or 100? It's not a "numbers game." It's still wrong! In reality, the abuse is widespread and includes dungeons that have been described as torture chambers. The real shame is the Bush administration's continued use of spin to avoid accountability.
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