Pigs fly: “I am the law,” says Pres. Bush to the European Union….

But, consider for a moment, the Mr. Bush’s raw language: “I cannot allow cold-blooded criminals to walk around the streets." What audacity! What arrogance! To presume that, as president of the United States, Mr. Bush has the authority to grant or repeal rights given to individuals by virtue of their birth into humanity. "Just about as much right," said the Duchess, "as pigs have to fly...." — Alice in Wonderland. However, to the chagrin of Pres. Bush, natural rights do not exist by virtue of their fortuitous and historical inclusion in the U.S. Constitution.
On the contrary, natural rights are universal and unalienable. Natural rights don’t depend on a state or a sovereign for their existence. Moreover, neither state nor sovereign may presume to grant or repeal natural rights. And, among the natural rights that are unalienable and universal, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness reigns supreme.
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